Idaho Mt Lion Hunts
Idaho is the best state
for Mountain Lion hunting, 450 to 600 cats are taken annually, and Idaho has the highest ratio of record book
entries per square mile of any state. Bearpaw Outfitters have been outfitting and guiding mt lion hunts for more
than 40 years, they have caught hundreds of mountain lion "also known as cougar" including numerous B&C entries,
the former P&Y World Record, and the #1 P&Y Mt Lion taken during the last 3 year award period.
2-Day Lion/Bobcat/Coyote/Wolf $3950
4-Day Lion/Bobcat/Coyote/Wolf $5450
6-Day Lion/Bobcat/Coyote/Wolf $6950
Additional Mt Lion Hunt...............$3000
Additional Bobcat Hunt................$2000
Additional Wolves or Coyotes.......N/C
Add Extra Hunting Day................$800
Non-Hunter 2-Day Fee.................$300
Non-Hunter 4-Day Fee.................$600
Non-Hunter 6-Day Fee................$900
Hunts Are Guaranteed:
If no opportunity you get 35% off another hunt.
Licenses and tags are available
online or over the counter when you arrive.
Hunts available in Northern Idaho or Southern
Idaho, see more details below.

Matthew's 15 4/16 record book cougar taken in northern Idaho December 2021, the largest Mt Lion taken with a bow
the last 3 years in North America.
Mt Lion Hunting
Southern Idaho has a denser
mt lion population and is the best choice for a mt lion focused hunt. Northern Idaho has produced larger mountain lions
and has higher numbers of bobcat and wolves, north Idaho is the best choice for a combo lion/bobcat/coyote/wolf hunt.
Bobcat Hunting
North Idaho has high numbers of
bobcat and they are some of the most beautiful bobcat in North America. One bobcat is included with your hunt,
additional bobcat hunts can be added.No additional tag is required to hunt bobcat.
Wolf Hunting
North Idaho is a top producer
of wolves. They are extremely smart and one of the world's most prized trophies. Wolves are included in your hunt, tags
are $31.75 per tag.
Coyote Hunting
There are plenty of coyotes in
all areas of Idaho. There is no additional fee to hunt coyotes and no tag is required.
Hunting Methods
The most successful method
is to travel mountain roads with 4x4 truck, ATV, or snowmobile while watching for fresh cougar tracks. Bearpaw has
all the modern equipment to increases your odds of success.
Hunting Strategy
Bearpaw prefers to find the best
cats possible. When tracks are found or when cats are treed your guide will tell you the approximate size and it's your
choice to take the cat or pass it and search for a different cat.
Areas & Terrain
The Northern Idaho area is mostly
3000' to 6000' elevation with more than 350 square miles of hunting territory. The Southern Idaho area is mostly 5500' to
8000' with more than 700 square miles of territory.
Seasons & Regs
Lion season is Nov 1 to
Mar 31, bobcat season Dec 14 to Feb 16, wolf season Apr 1 to Mar 31. Licenses are available
"ONLINE", or over the counter when you arrive. Proof of Hunter Ed required if born
after Jan 1, 1975. See the hunting "REGULATIONS".
Trophy Quality
Big mature tom mountain lions
can weigh 150 pounds or more and are 8 to 9 feet when skinned. Bearpaw Outfitters have taken dozens of record size cougar.
The largest scaled 205 pounds, measured 9 1/2 feet, scored 15 11/16, a was the P&Y World Record.
When conditions are good the
odds of finding lion or bobcat tracks is usually close to 100%. Wolf or coyote can also be taken if seen. Local waters
offer trout fishing and your hunt license includes 3 days fishing.
Guiding & Lodging
Hunts are guided 1x1. If you
want two hunters per guide you can double your hunt days for the same price per hunter. Lodging and meals are included in
southern Idaho or northern Idaho.
Driving Directions
Our northern Idaho location is
only one hour from Couer d'Aene. Our southern Idaho location is only one hour from Pocatello. More specific driving
directions will be sent to you before the hunt.
Airport Info
For southern Idaho fly to Salt
Lake City, for northern Idaho fly to Spokane WA. Get an economy rental car, it's only a 2 or 3 hour drive on paved
highways from the airport to our location.
Airline Tickets
Buy changeable airline tickets,
if weather is bad you can change flight dates to a better time or you might change your hunt to our other area if
conditions are better, or you may kill early and want to leave.
Arrive about 4pm the day
before your hunt begins. Plan to hunt the duration of the hunt and plan to depart the morning after your hunt
ends. Call Dale just before the hunt to confirm weather conditions.
Weather Conditions
Hunting is best when there's
fresh snow on the ground or in the forecast during the hunt, we would rather postpone your hunt than have you come if
weather conditions are going to be bad.
Trophy Care
Guides will skin your trophies
and save any lion meat you may want, it's very good eating. After IDFG seals the hide Bearpaw can deliver trophies to
experienced taxidermist or you can take them home.
Transporting Trophies
To take trophies home by plane,
buy a 30 to 50 quart cooler, shipping tape, and black marker. Freeze overnight in cooler, tape the lid, mark with name,
address, phone, and checkin as extra baggage.